Sea Glass Pendant

How to Make a Sea Glass Pendant

  1. Cut a piece of square wire, long enough to make the bail

How to put the wire in the sea glass to make jewelry
Making a bail for sea glass jewelry
Pinching the wire to the bail for your jewelry
Wrapping the wire around the bail for your sea glass Jewelry
Wrapping the half round wire on your sea glass jewelry
Working on sea glass jewelry
Using a vise to make sea glass jewelry
Showing how to  make a sea glass pendant

Using a wood dowel, place it on the wire where you would like the loop to be

Using your half round wire, wrap it around the neck, where you pinched it together.

Pull your ends very tight

Wrap the wire around the dowel

Put the wire through the drilled hole, and put the sea glass in the center and bend.

Pinch the wire together with pliers

If you have a vise twist until you like the look

You can still roll the wire up without using a vise

This is what it will look like when using a vise

Your ends can be longer or shorter. Add your own taste.

I like to start from the center of the neck, so I fold my half round wire in the middle.

Take pliers flat against the J and stat to roll it.

Pull out the 2 end wires

Take your pliers, chain or needle nose, and make a tight J at the end.

Making decorative sea glass jewelry
Rolling wire to make beach glass jewelry

8.Tuck the bottom end of the wire in where the red arrow is

For the top wire, you are going to tuck it in the loop. Cut the access half round wire to the correct length before tucking.

You can make your pendant as large or even as small as a charm.

I am using a 20 mm piece of sea glass.

So adjust your lengths to your piece.

You can also make the bail smaller, using a smaller in diameter dowel

Tools and Supplies

Measuring Tape Wire Cutters

Chain Nose Pliers 5mm Wooden Dowel

5 inches of 24 gauge square wire Pin Vise (optional)

3 inches of 18-16 gauge half round wire

Drilled piece of Sea Glass


Continue to roll the wire to the end.

Placing the decorative ends on the beach Glass pendant
Finished Sea Glass Pendant


Do the same with the other end. Your pendant is complete!


Roll to the top


Position to wear you think would look good